23 October 2012

ba-ba-ba ba-ba-rcelona (part 1)

although i say this at the start of nearly every post, i’m going to keep this short and sweet, as i fear interest will start waning if i continue my long wafflings on about stuff that is not particularly noteworthy (see last post, where i describe how a beyoncé song moved me to tears while i was walking through a vineyard). besides, this post is about my first week in the glorious barcelona, where i was reunited with mi amiga charlie and really, what could i possibly say that my photos couldn't?

it was amazing! it was beautiful! colours! smells! architecture! people! at times too many people, but nonetheless, the crowd provided a nice, pleasant buzz that made it feel like every day was a party. we visited la boqueria markets to buy olives, cherry tomatoes, avocados, cheese and bread nearly every day and this would become our diet for the duration of our time in barcelona. most mornings were spent lounging on barcelona’s long stretch of coastline and swimming in the mediterranean sea, followed by a mandarin gelato for the walk home. for the first week we stayed in student accommodation, which boasted a rooftop pool with views of the sea to one side and the sagrada família to the other; needless to say, we spent most afternoons up on the top floor, accompanied by a bottle of wine and some snacks to watch the sun set at 9pm.

one story that does stick out from the first week is the time we went to the see peaches at a nearby discoteca with some chicas we met on our free walking tour. as with 99% of spanish clubs, the razzmatazz didn’t open its doors until 1pm and peaches herself wouldn’t perform until about 3.30pm. this is a lot of time to get suitably wasted and boy, did we do a good job of it!! everything was fine, however, until i made the unfortunate mistake of accepting an offer to smoke a doobie on the rooftop by a friendly español dude. oh dear. where before i had been dancing up a storm and downing vodka pineapples with vigour, i suddenly had the very powerful urge to go to sleep. or vomit. or both. luckily i had my trusty, loyal and extraordinarily understanding friend charlie with me and she helped me get home in one piece (me apologising profusely the whole way after we saw peaches emerge onstage wearing a bodysuit covered entirely in plush breasts, with barbie doll heads as nipples. nooooo!).

coming up next: week two in barcelona!
adios xx

reunited!! <3
expensive but oh-so-delicious tapas reunion dinner:
fried camembert cheese with raspberry sauce;
roasted eggplant, artichokes & sundried tomatoes;
garlic prawns for charles;
goats cheese salad for moi;
and some complimentary tomatoey bread;
followed by mandarin gelato. omg!!!!   
taken on iPhone hence crap quality.
the beautiful, colourful and alive streets of barca <3
yet another stunning building.
our rooftop pool.
sunbaking at 7pm. it's a hard life.
our view!!
the sagrada família!
charles perking up with an iced cappuccino before our walking tour.
i've decided to be arty and put all photos from the walking tour in b&w.
not sure why, just have.
a plaque in memory of the victims of the bombing of sant felip neri,
where 42 people — mostly children — were killed during the spanish civil war.
i love this story... apparently picasso was drunk in a bar one night and started criticising henri matisse's art, saying a child could do better. when the locals protested, picasso took a napkin and sketched this drawing, which was supposed to be quite similar to matisse's work (again, am no art buff so can't be sure!) anyway, a waiter stole the napkin and now picasso's mockery of his nemesis is permanently sketched on the side of the school of architecture building...
... which, ironically, is one of the ugliest buildings in barcelona. 
king ferdinand and queen isabella of spain's humble abode <3
haaay gurl!
charlie and i with our two amigas!
... on that fateful night we went to see peaches.
peaches boob-barbie outfit (not my photo... i was far too intoxicated to operate a camera.
i got this off the interwebs as i was sure people would be interested to see what i meant).
the next day, we were so hungover and charlie made us creamy mushroom pasta...
it was so good, i literally drooled (as pictured here).
protests everywhere in catalonia! they really want to be independent
la boqueria mercat
statue of christopher columbus... apparently he's supposed to be pointing towards america,
as he was working for ferdinand & isabella when he found 'the new world'.
however, they botched the job and he is actually pointing to somewhere near algeria. lols.
(NB: all historical info given in this post was gained while half-listening to our tour guide on a very hot day
over two months ago. therefore it may not be accurate and i would not advise passing it on as fact.) 
phallic building.
picnics on top a mountain :)

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